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The Alabama Voter 
Summer 2010 Edition
Published July 19, 2010

Caucus on Sustainable Water and Food Supplies - LWV Glennview, IL

by Leonette Slay


League members from Glenview organized this caucus so that various Leagues could share what was being done in their communities/states and provide resources that others could draw on to improve or start a local initiative or build a partnership with other organizations.    I learned a lot listening to this discussion, such as  Illinois imports 85% of its food.  We agreed that food is a topic that will  tend to draw people who do not want to get involved in related issues like climate change. It is also a subject that can bring organizations together that may not traditionally see themselves as partners. Here are examples of solid work that has already been done by other Leagues:  the Nashville LWV conducted a study on food deserts; Bowling Green, OH LWV conducted a study on concentrated animal feeding operations (CAFO) and now have developed a position; LWVMN has done a study on pesticides and CAFOs; LWVWA worked for legislation to get local food into local schools (“healthy food, healthy kids”).  The Memphis/Shelby County LWV has an ongoing Project Green Fork; and Concord/Carlisle, MA LWV conducted a series of talks on sustainable food.  The LWVNY is partnering with land grant universities and extension services to explore this area and has succeeded in getting media attention because of the overall coalition.  One of the caucus participants was a retired scientist from the FDA. She reminded us that  80% of our food is regulated by the FDA (all except meat and poultry) and she urged us to express our concerns and suggestions to the director of the FDA.

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