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The Alabama Voter 
Summer 2010 Edition
Published July 19, 2010

Memorable Moments with Memorable People


In addition to the eight past presidents, four other speakers entranced the convention attendees. First was representative John Lewis, civil rights hero and long-time Congressman from Atlanta. This last survivor of the leaders of the march on Washington that culminated in MLK’s famous speech told of growing up in rural Alabama, and of the importance of “getting in the way” when things are going the wrong way. He commended the LWV for a tradition of doing just that.

Columnist and former Bush advisor Leslie Sanchez, referring to her new book, You’ve Come a Long Way, Maybe, reminded us that the work begun by our suffragist forebears is not yet done.

Banquet speaker Robert Cooney, Jr., reminded us of our history on the 90th anniversary of the 19th Amendment with fascinating pictures and stories from his book, Winning the Vote; the Triumph of the Woman Suffrage Movement.

At the last plenary session, HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius thanked the League for our efforts on behalf of health care, and reminded us that there is still much to be done. Her speech in full can be read on the LWVUS website.

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