Alabama Statistics Related to Health Care

The most recent statistics that could be obtained were for 2008 but with the economic downturn since then, it is presumed that figures for the uninsured have increased.

The Alabama Appleseed Health Insurance Coverage Project stated that in 2008 the number of uninsured in Alabama had risen to 14.0% or 618,913 from the 2001 number of 11.2% or 495,824.

A report by Families USA indicates that between 2000 and 2006, approximately 3,400 Alabamians between the ages of 25 and 64 died because they did not have health insurance coverage.

The Kaiser Family Foundation (KFF) gave the following figures for the insured and uninsured in Alabama compared to U.S. figures.

KFF reports that young adults, age 19-29, have the highest uninsured rate of any age group in the United States. This age group comprises 30% of the uninsured. Studies indicate this lack of coverage is often a conscious decision made by this age group. Without insurance coverage, these young adults risk both their physical health and their financial security.

Comparisons of the health of Alabama citizens with the average for U.S. citizens indicates that more Alabamians smoke, have a 3% higher incidence of diabetes, and have about a 5% higher incidence of obesity and heart deaths (253.3/100,000 to the U.S. average of 200.2/100,000).

Facts & Issues: Health Care in Alabama