Charter Schools: Facts & Issues
Published by the
LWVAL Education Fund
April 2011

X.   Summary

Comparing information about charter schools is very difficult. The enabling legislation, degree of oversight, and levels of funding available to charter schools differ by state. The criteria for operations, curriculum, teachers, and management are as varied as the charters the under which the schools operate. The quality of the traditional public schools in the areas where charter schools are established and the economic and racial make-up of the students requesting enrollment are also seen as playing a role in the successes or failure experienced by charter schools. And not insignificantly, research findings are influenced by all these variables, as well as the positions of the organizations with which the researchers are associated. Research findings are contested on all sides of the issue. By accessing the supporting information used in this report, a reader may be able to gain a better understanding of the subject and start developing questions she or he feels needs to be answered about what would be applicable to Alabama. To facilitate access, a concerted effort was made to use reliable online information as sources.

© 2011 League of Women Voters of Alabama Education Fund. All rights reserved.