Fall 2008 Edition
Published February 22, 2008
© 2008 League of Women Voters of Alabama

First Call to Council 2008
May 3

Plan to attend, whether or not you are an official delegate. It's a great time to meet members of other Leagues and find out what's going on in the state! The Council is officially composed of the president (or delegated representative) and two additional delegates from each local League. Let your local League president know if you are willing to be a delegate.

For more information, visit:
(In Members' Area of the LWVAL website. For access assistance, contact Jean Johnson at jjohnson@lwval.org or 205 870-3063.)

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      For further information about the
      League of Women Voters of Alabama,
      call 205 871-8194 or visit on-line at http://www.lwval.org.