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The Alabama Voter
Summer 2009 Edition

Published September 13, 2009

© 2009 League of Women Voters of Alabama

Education:  What Next?

Given the importance of education in Alabama and the volatility that surrounds its funding, it seems appropriate that the League’s positions on the topic be reviewed on a regular basis. The last updates to the League’s positions were in 2003. It is time to look at them again, to see if additional ones are needed. Possible issues include access to technology in classrooms (the current positions address textbook distribution), support for pre-kindergarten, changes in the 2-year college system, duplication of programs in higher education, and equity funding. Do the current positions address the changes education faces today? If you would like to serve on the Education Committee or have suggestions, please contact me at: newlandhill@gmail.com <mailto:newlandhill@gmail.com> or 334-705-0848.

 -- Laura Hill, 
Education Chair
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