Fall 2008 Edition
Published December 12, 2008
© 2008 League of Women Voters of Alabama

Letter from the ACCR Foundation

Dear Constitutional Reform Supporter,
I am Audrey L. Salgado, the ACCR Foundation’s Special Project Coordinator for the 2009 Mock Convention. As you know, the purpose of this initiative is to help Alabamians gain a better understanding of the constitution convention process. I am contacting you today to encourage your participation in this historic endeavor.
One way to get involved is to serve as a delegate to the convention. There is a simple online application at

Deadline for completion is December 31, 2008. To be a delegate, you must have lived in your state house district for at least three years and continue to live in that same district in 2009. Delegates will gather during two weekends in 2009 and unveil a new Alabama Constitution next summer.
If you cannot serve as a delegate, you can still participate in this project by being on your Local Selection Committee. People on this committee help us spread the word about the Mock Convention in their respective district and then, during the week of January 5, 2009, select the person who will serve as their district’s delegate.
More information is on the project’s web page: http://www.constitutionalreform.org/mockconvention.shtml Please let me know if you have any questions, or would like to serve on your Local Selection Committee.
If you have some time (and the ability to make long-distance calls) over the next few weeks to call people in the state about this project, please contact me immediately. It would be helpful if you could advise me of the time your are available to volunteer.  
Your contribution of time and energy to help Alabama have a Constitution that will ensure opportunity, self-determination, and justice for all its people is greatly appreciated.
Thank you,
Audrey L. Salgado
Special Projects Coordinator
Alabama Citizens for Constitutional Reform Foundation
P. O. Box 10746
Birmingham, AL 35202-0746
(205) 437-0951

Editor’s note: Audrey Salgado is a member of the Birmingham League. Links to the information about the mock constitutional convention can be found on the LWVAL website at www.lwval.org

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      League of Women Voters of Alabama,
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